As the working pressure of the boiler increases, not only the saturation temperature of the boiler water increases, but the molecular thermal motion of the boiler water strengthens, and the force between the molecules weakens. As the steam density increases, the attraction of the steam contacting the water surface to the water molecules increases. Large, resulting in a decrease in the surface tension of the furnace water. As a result, the number of small water droplets in the steam space of the drum increases.
As the working pressure of the boiler increases, the density of steam increases, but the density of boiler water decreases due to the increase in saturation temperature. As the density difference between steam and boiler water is reduced, the ability of the steam to carry water droplets is enhanced, and the gravity separation that depends on the density of steam and boiler water is weakened.
Due to the above two reasons, the higher the boiler working pressure, the more difficult the separation of steam and boiler water, and the easier it is for steam to carry water. Therefore, for boilers with high working pressure, in order to reduce steam with water, a steam-water separator with higher separation efficiency should be installed in the steam drum.